Stephen Owen
(born October 30, 1946) is an American sinologist specializing in Chinese literature, particularly Tang dynasty poetry and comparative poetics. He teaches Chinese literature and comparative literature at Harvard University and is James Bryant Conant University Professor, one of only 24 University Professorships. He is a member of American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a member of American Philosophical Society.

Stephen Owen, 1996
Drinking Alone by Moonlight
Here among flowers one flask of wine,
with no close friends, I pour it alone.
I lift cup to bright moon, beg its company,
then facing my shadow, we become three.
The moon has never known how to drink;
my shadow does nothing but follow me.
But with moon and shadow as companions a while,
this joy I find must catch spring while it's here.
I sing, and the moon just lingers on;
I dance, and my shadow flails wildly.
When still sober we share friendship and pleasure,
then, utterly drunk, each goes his own way-
Let us join to roam beyond human cares
and plan to meet far in the river of stars.