Marc Chagall 1887 - 1985

židovský bělorusko-francouzský malíř

"Lily of the Valley at Quai d'Anjou".(Paris,1971) By Marc Chagall.Russian-French painter Private Collection
"Lily of the Valley at Quai d'Anjou".(Paris,1971) By Marc Chagall.Russian-French painter Private Collection

Marc Chagall (1887-1985) " Vase de fleurs à l'ananas."

Okno z vitráže Moon Wine Dipping v synagóze Hadassah Lékařské centrum v Jeruzalémě Copyright for Marc Chagall (to je jeden mezi 11 dalšími okny) dokončen v roce 1962

Stained Glass window Moon Wine Dipping  in the Synagogue of Hadassah Medical center in Jerusalem copyright for Marc Chagall ( it is one between 11 other windows ) completed in 1962

Marc Chagall: The Beauty of Flowers 

Night " 1953
By Marc Chagall 

Moon wine Bathing

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