Claire Hanslow

Dance Me Dizzy
Written by: Claire Hanslow
Red wine lips and shaking fingertips.
Bleeding from the bone aching for a sense of home.
You're a poet, your body is prose,
I'll start reading your eyes and end at your toes.
I want to swallow the moon, in a glass of wine.
Dance me dizzy please, one more time.
I want to swallow the moon, in a glass of wine.
Dance me dizzy please, one more time.
Sometimes it gets so dark in my mind,
I want to swallow the moon in a glass of wine.
To shed some light through the fog in my head
And find a warm glow that wont sink like lead.
I want to swallow the moon in a glass of wine.
Dance me dizzy please, one more time.
I want to swallow the moon in a glass of wine.
Dance me dizzy please, one more time.
Stage lights hit your guitar and dance across my face.
Music floods my ears, my heartbeat sets the pace.
I want to swallow the moon in a glass of wine.
Dance me dizzy please, one more time.
I want to swallow the moon in a glass of wine.
Dance me dizzy please, one more time.